poll 2: bruce or caitlyn

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Everyone knows Bruce Jenner as the daddy of the Kardashian/Jenner family. The dude is a well-respected former olympian, as most of us would already know. THE DUDE IS NOT A DUDE ANYMORE!!.. 


Caitlyn Jenner, guys. At least (s)he didn’t conform to his family rule and named himself Kaitlyn.

I obviously know that (s)he isn’t the first to be a transgender but his(/her?) fame brings along a larger impact in almost everything (s)he does. Btw, I’ll just use pronouns for males when referring to him now, ok? Just to make things easier.

What he did was brave? Yes, very brave but was it really necessary? Is this an act to bring out the idea to “be yourself”? If it is, great! But shouldn’t there be a limit to how far you can “be yourself” until you need to stop and realise that being yourself might not even be that great for yourself. He has his own rights, I agree. It’s up to him, it’s his life, it’s his choice! But, was it the right choice?

As far as I know, no religion allows this act. And it isn’t allowed for a reason. It shows not only ungratefulness but it’s almost as if humans are now trying to challenge God. Believe me, you won’t want to do that.

Whether he is Bruce Jenner or Caitlyn Jenner, he has always seemed like a very nice person. I’m sure most of you would agree. When I went to Iniala BeachHouse, everyone had nice things to say about this family and they really aren’t as horrible as what they’re shown to be on social media. I’m sure hardly any of the celebrities are! Anyway, what I’m saying is, Bruce’s action was very courageous and for that I give him two thumbs up, but this is not one of his smarter choices. Well that’s what I feel! If he has the freedom of choice, I have the freedom of speech and this is my view on his take so I can express it. 

I do believe that everyone has their own rights. I don’t think becoming transgender is ever the right way to go but, I will not say this again. In the world we live in now, literally anything can happen and all I can do is learn to accept it or maybe just try to keep some people whom I love away from what is clearly absurd. Like now, I’m writing about it on my blog so you guys (people I love) won’t suddenly think “oh okay, I have (or my friend has) always wanted to become a guy/girl. Bruce can do, I also want la!” At the very least, I have tried to keep you away from these kinds of mistakes decisions.

I cannot stress enough that you must be very grateful for what you’ve been given by God. Some have it better but others have it worse. Be thankful with what you have! You have no idea how many other people would do just anything to be you and make you their inspiration. Whether it’s your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, your siblings, your friends or anyone really! Be grateful and be happy with what you have!

On a side note, I prefer seeing Caitlyn’s pretty dresses than Bruce’s golf clothes on my Instagram feed anyway so I’m not complaining (much). Anyway, time for the second poll! A little late, I know. But oh well. Vote with honesty. Whether you really think it’s alright, then choose that option! Your vote will be anonymous anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about. I won’t find out who you are. 

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