my little boy

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It snowed in Malaysia! My dad bought Faliq a snow spray from some party shop. My dad kept it away while we were having dinner so the boy was eyeing the can from across the table, itching to get off his butt and running away with the can outside to play, the whole time. Once we left the restaurant, he demanded my dad to give it to him with what he calls ‘puppy eyes’ and the spray can slipped away from my dad’s hand and into his just like that. Ahhh, the perks of being Faliq. Before you could even say, “Don’t just spray it there! Spray it into the drain or something,” the deed was already done..




He even wanted to go around ‘pretending he was Santa’ to make everyone confused on why Santa isn’t fat.

He finished the entire thing and used the last puff very cleverly: to victimise our sister who has been threatening to spread his secrets. (Secret No.1 : “I have a girlfriend.”) -__-‘ Sure you do.



That boy has to go through seven sisters before getting his girlfriend of choice approved so Faliq, stop dreaming.

Always when I’m with him, I wish time would go by a little slower but it just won’t. Now he’s seven, and he doesn’t even want to bake with me anymore. Think about how it’ll be when he turns seventeen!! And he’s just always with his laptop/iPad, I’m sure he has forgotten how I look already. *wails* I feel like a devastated mother, hahaha.

I love my little brother very much. And if you know me well enough, you would already know that. He makes me feel so happy just by saying, “please don’t go back to school today,” or “how many more days are there left till you’ll be back again?” He’s the cutest little rascal I’ve ever met, and he’s the sweetest one too. 

There was a night when I called my dad before sleeping, just like every other night, and he took the phone and told me he was chosen to be class monitor. That little voice of his and his proud way of saying it really made my night, seeing my little boy discovering new things and being extra excited about it. Now, in secondary school, when a class monitor is needed, everyone would be begging to not be chosen, haha, but I remember very clearly that it wasn’t like this back then in primary school. When the topic of who should become the class monitor comes up, I would suddenly have a perfect posture with a very I-am-super-responsible-pick-me look on my face and I’m sure Faliq was no different.

Can’t wait for him to stop with Minecraft and get on his sister’s blog so he can read this post!!

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